Wednesday, July 1, 2009

mesothelioma lawyers houston

Have you been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a devastating and rare cancer caused exclusively by repeated exposure to asbestos? What do you do now? How will you cope with the financial costs in treating this illness? Are you in pain or having trouble breathing? Do you need help from a professional to help you cope with this illness?

If any of these questions apply to you, the first thing to do after you are diagnosed is to seek an experienced mesothelioma attorney who specializes in cases of asbestos-related cancers like Mesothelioma. You may be entitled to a monetary award from your former employer to cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and punitive damages if your employer was blatantly negligent in failing to provide you with protective measures. You will need a mesothelioma attorney to assist you in bringing a civil court action against your former employer. Since mesothelioma is a very serious cancer, if you should die of this illness, your family can work with your mesothelioma attorney in a wrongful death action, holding accountable the employer who may have negligently caused your death. Again, an experienced mesothelioma attorney will assist your family in obtaining a fair settlement or court judgment.

Mesothelioma attorneys who are exceptionally skilled in this area of law are difficult to find. You do not want a novice who has never tried a case like this before! These cases require extensive medical knowledge and the ability to seek out information that will help you win your case. Thus, when looking for a mesothelioma attorney, be sure to ask questions about how many of these cases the attorney has handled, and what is his/her "win" record.

It's no secret that mesothelioma is a severe form of cancer with a poor prognosis. You should keep your mesothelioma attorney advised of how your medical condition is either improving or deteriorating. You will also need to sign a release of information so that your mesothelioma attorney can speak with your physician and mental health provider about your condition.

Your physician can refer you to an experienced Houston mesothelioma attorney. Houston is a large metropolis with many lawyers. Instead of simply picking one at random from the phone book, get a referral! Mesothelioma support groups and many psychotherapists can help you find the very best Houston mesothelioma attorney. This is not a matter to leave to chance or take lightly. While you are undergoing treatment, your mesothelioma attorney in Houston, Texas will already be working on your case to find out how you contracted mesothelioma and whether or not your employer provided you with mandatory proper equipment to protect yourself against asbestos exposure. You will work as a team. Together you will come to an equitable settlement.

Mesothelioma is most of the time caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. It is a cancer of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the lining cover of the internal organs. This cancer typically affects the mesothelial lining of the lungs, heart and abdominal cavity.

When the lungs are affected, the cancer presents with symptoms of chest pain and difficulty in breathing, other symptoms like anaemia , weight loss show up at the latter stages of the disease.

The abdominal type of this cancer shows up with symptoms of weight loss, abdominal pain,abdominal swelling as a result of excessive fluid collection. Advanced cases of abdominal mesothelioma presents with symptoms of bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia and fever.

When the tumor spreads to other parts of the body, there could be symptoms of pain and swelling of the face and neck. Difficulty in swallowing could also show up when the tumor spreads to the neck region.

Most victims inhaled these asbestos fibers while working for companies manufacturing and marketing asbestos fibers.These companies ,made huge profits at the expense of the health of their workers. If you have a history of exposure to asbestos and you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma you have a right to claim for compensation on various grounds.

Mesothelioma attorney in Houston will represent such victims of this rare and avoidable disease. He/she can get the victim and their families the compensation they deserve. This may not help cure the disease, but it may provide financial support to the affected.

The first lawsuit on mesothelioma was registered in 1966. Since then, the mesothelioma lawyers have been able to get rightful compensations for many such unfortunate cases. In Houston or any place for that matter, finding a mesothelioma lawyer can be a tedious, long and tiresome process. You need to select a lawyer with whom you can have a good rapport. You need to meet a variety of lawyers before you can choose your right Houston mesothelioma lawyer. Start your search in bar associations, Martindale-Hubbell Law directory, yellow pages and the Internet. Then contact them by phone and explain your legal issue to them and ask how best they can handle the case. You need to seek clarifications regarding their initial consultation fee and the approximate cost to handle a mesothelioma lawsuit. Then meet the prospective mesothelioma attorney in Houston, Texas to confirm for yourself his ability, knowledge and experience in handling such cases. After a brief introspection, you can make your decision regarding your lawyer.

It was Texas, in United States, where the first product liability cases against the manufacturer was recorded. Texas provides speedy trial settings for the mesothelioma victims and this ensures the chances that the victims will live to enjoy their compensations. Get a 'no risk, free evaluation' at your earliest convenience once you have decided on a Texas mesothelioma attorney.

Your lawyer will need to know your work history,names of co-workers and the type of asbestos brands and products used in the companies where you worked.

Be rest assured that filing for a mesothelioma case in Houston is the right thing to do as the laws in Texas are public friendly and your mesothelioma attorney has a very good chance of getting compensation for you.

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